Friday, November 7, 2008


Apparently there is movie coming out next weekend that is a HUGE deal to many of the girls in America. This movie is Twilight. It's based on a book called, you guessed it, Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer. I don't really know a whole lot about this book or the series of four books and from what I just googled apparently a fourth is coming out. I had heard of this book previously from my good friend Leah, who worked at Borders recently and said that EVERY female in the Memphis area was coming in to buy multiple copies of the book for their daughters, sisters, friends, mothers, grandmother (maybe not grandmothers, but is seemed that way). I just didn't really pay much attention to it since its story line didn't sound all that interesting. I mean a love story about a vampire and a girl...weird and kind of dumb sounding. But before all of you that have read the book fly off the handle, I'll have to say that your interest has made me want to see what the big deal is. I cannot promise a love for it, and actually hope that is not the case...I would prefer to consider it an entertaining story that is completely unrealistic. I have been told that I will FOR SURE be in love with the main guy, Edward Cullen, of the story by the end of the book. We'll see about that.

I went to the bookstore yesterday and bought Twilight. The guy at the counter told me I should go back and get the rest because I would inevitably be back tomorrow or at the latest on Saturday. I told him I was ok with coming back and I was really just reading the book so I wouldn't be left out of the discussion of comparing the movie with the book. He didn't looked convinced. I felt like a poser. or a loser. Oh well. I started reading it. It has been entertaining, but I can put down. Ask me tomorrow, I might feel differently. Peaces.


Jessie said...

Oh no! Anna! Just say no! Haven't you noticed how everyone who reads them acts like they're on crack? That should have been your first clue.

christina said...

I just heard about the series last month. Most of my girls have read the books and are obsessed! (I can't criticize because that's how I felt about Harry Potter...which my campus minister is reading now. haha) Anyway, we're making it an RUF event to go see the movie. I can't afford the time to read the book, but Sarah at Birmingham Southern is reading it too.

Bill said...

Anna, At breakfast this morning, one of the guy's daughter was there. She had that book and said all her friends are reading the series. The book is thick, the girls are 12. I hope the story is good.

MyHuckleberryFriend said...

Yay! I got a shoutout! And yes, grandmothers.

Anonymous said...

Twilight is amazing.
Pure entertainment.
The fourth book is already out. It came out on August 2nd.
The series is over.
And that's sad.
Stephenie Meyer also wrote "The Host" which is very good as well.
Not as many people are obsessed with it as they are with Twilight.
Welcome to the dark side.

Becky Myers said...

After vehement praise from my sister and roommate, I read the books. They are fun and entertaining, but lack any real literary value whatsoever. They are Jr. High romance novels.

Kaitlin owns them all and has them here. You probably could borrow them if you ask.

When you are done, we should get all the OURUF Twilight fans together and talk about the books, sex, Jesus, and the like. I'd bring food...

juliejarrett said...

whatever becky!!! i know you LOVE twilight!