Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So, my roommate is getting married in January. I might have mentioned that before, but SHE has all the furniture that furnishes our house. Next semester I'll be living with two girls that are studying abroad, Sally and Amanda (word to the both of you). I'm super excited. But back to the point of this whole blog. I bought my very first couch today. I found it on craigslist. It's pretty ballin' I'm not gonna lie. Next semester everyone should come see it, possibly sit on it, but at least come hang out. Or you could come before next semester and just be awesome. I guess that's all.



Willis said...

Sweet! A new couch. I'll bring the kitchen table. No worries there new roomie.

schupack said...

haha. What a ridiculous word. word. New roommates. No furniture. I can't wait.

Becky Myers said...

Dude, I am going to love your couch cause I love you and your future roommates (and your current roommate, but you know...).

I look forward to couching it with you.