Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day is here!

So, it's finally here. The day the madness ends or for some the day it begins. Either way, I'm glad a decision will be made and we can all go on with our lives as usual and begin to adapt to whatever changes are in our country's future. I'm not really a politics kind of girl. Sure, I care about the direction the American people are heading, but campaign time does not present its candidates with the most clarity for educated choosing. I, for one, am not voting. Not because I don't want to, because I do. However, I neglected to submit my absentee ballot application in a timely fashion and the 11-hour drive to Huntsville seems needless, my vote would not swing Alabama in any particular way. I have a feeling I know which direction it is going anyway.

It's always fun to get a new president. New jokes, new weird character quirks for comedians to make fun of, new chance for them to totally mess up...and they will, they all do, they are human too...I just hope they are wise in their decisions and don't expect to be the savior of the world. So, I'll be waiting to hear who's the next victim of the American media. I'll probably find out Thursday or Friday. I'm not very well informed. So, yay America!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

I love your attitude! No, really -- this is the best take on the election that I've heard so far. Bravo!