Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Walking and Squawking

I don't know if everyone is aware of my talents. Sure, everyone knows about the general ones, like sleeping, talking, and I am occasionally good at walking, but one that often goes unnoticed is my impression of a raptor. Seriously, it is uncanny. I realize that most of you are reading this and wondering if I have lost my mind. I have not. I really am a very good raptor impersonator.

My discovery of this particular talent came about the summer after my freshman year. I worked at a camp in North Carolina, Camp Merri-Mac for girls. I was a counselor/climbing instructor. My cabin was full of ten year old girls that did not believe in showering regularly or nap time. Both of which I hold highly in my life. For some reason, these girls responded well to silliness. It could have been their lack of maturity or their incredible insight into life, but they would get in their beds if you chased them around in a raptor-like gait while making raptor noises. And surprisingly, this seemed to make them actually be quiet for a while as well. So, of course, if me pretending to be a raptor gets them to take a nap or shower, than I guess a raptor I pretended to be.

Throughout the summer, my skill progressed and I became a more and more convincing raptor until I had it perfected. The summer ended and I returned to Ole Miss, lived in an apartment with a couple friends and essentially forgot about my raptor-like abilities. Needless to say that was a very interesting year without pretending to be a raptor. Well, after sophomore year ended, I moved into the dorm and brought the raptor back.

At times I would walk down the hall like a normal person, but it was always way more fun to raptor walk down the hall. Walking is something that most people do everyday. And everyday we walk the exact same way. I'm tired of this. There are TONS of ways to walk. Why not change life up a little bit, make it a little more interesting. So, I would walk down my dorm hall pretending to be a raptor. I thought it was perfectly normal, still do actually. I could be wrong. Maybe I did lose my mind. But really the point of this is, I'm bringing it back.

Raptor-walking and squawking. It's back. But only from time to time. It looses its greatness when I'm always raptor-walking. I don't want to get burnt out. So, maybe if you are lucky, you'll get to witness this impressive display of raptorness.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see your raptor walk sometime.

MyHuckleberryFriend said...

Don't forget the incredible talent you have for performing the crab dance.

Becky Myers said...

You, me, the South Oval, raptor-walking...

...or in my case, raptor-limping...