Monday, October 27, 2008

Not that Interesting

This weekend was so great. Not because anything particularly amazing happened or didn't happen, it just actually felt like a weekend. Saturday morning was spent doing some much needed cleaning to my house. And there was some tie dying with people. I remember tie dying at camp, but this we different...better. Although, I washed my shirt last night and it's heinous, but beautiful. apparently the mixture of purple and yellow make a gross brown color. And so now the shirt is light purple with brown undertones and splattered with more brownish purple and yellow. I can't wait to wear it!! The day was also filled with baking, cooking, hanging out with friends and watching people carve pumpkins! Fall is in my top four favorite seasons. There just seems to be so many activities. Sunday was also great. Church, Lunch, Nap, Movies. I really don't think I could get a better Sunday. There was supposed to be a church bonfire, but it was especially windy yesterday so it was postponed for next weekend. It's windy a lot in Oklahoma. Yay wind? I guess that's really all I have to say. Sorry for the lack of interesting posts. I'll work on getting something awesome to happen.



schupack said...

please work a little harder, I'm bored here

Anonymous said...

That was boring.
: )