Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Going Home

This week is very exciting for me! On Thursday, I will rise at 4:15am to get ready and drive to Oklahoma City to catch my plane leaving at 6:30am. Of course, normally, it would not take that long for me to get ready and to the airport, but I'm allowing for snoozing and grogginess to slow me down. I'M GOING HOME!!! not forever, only until Sunday. Then, my very gracious parents will drive me to Atlanta where I will have intern training. I am so pumped about seeing everyone. It's going to be so great. 78% of me wants to not sleep at all the whole time I'm there so that we can get every second of bonding time in, but that is ridiculous. Sleep is too good. We can bond by all sleeping at the same time in our separate rooms. It will be great to see my family this weekend and my friends that are still in Huntsville. I can barely talk about it I am so overwhelmed with excitement. I love Norman and interning and everything about my life right now, but it will be a very welcome break from it all and then I can come back all revived and re-focused and back in the swing of things. It's a very good thing. Oh man, my enthusiasm far exceeds my vocabulary, so I don't even know how to describe it other than "WOOT!"

Although, I am going to miss my people in Norman. It's amazing how I have only lived here for 8 weeks, but the people here have already made such a huge impact on my life. It's going to be weird to not be around for a week. I feel like I'm going to miss so much. But, I guess sometimes we have to make sacrifices. I will be back, so no worries.

And I get to fly. Airports are one of my favorite things in life. There are so many emotions floating around. Sad people, because their loved ones are leaving. Happy people, because someone is coming to see them or returning home. Working people, leisurely people, hurried people, slow people. Every kind of people. It's so great!!! Airports are so great for people watching. I'm really excited. I guess that's it.



MyHuckleberryFriend said...

We will probably be in the airport at the same time on Thursday (albeit different ones). But I am not flying to Alabama...I'm going to see Margaux and Jenna and Sarah in NYC!!! (Sucka)

schupack said...

yay going home! how fun. And since when is intern training in the middle of the semester? that seems weird.
Ditto on the airport thing. They are pretty great. So is airplane food, but you won't get that on a domestic flight.`

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to have you home. In fact, I am SO excited that I am treating you like company...cleaning house, buying new sheets, rearranging your room, decorating the house for fall, and making pumpkin squares. It is strange that you mentioned that about sleep. I was having the same thoughts this morning on how sleeping will be such a waste of time and interfering with my time with you, yet I know after 10 o'clock I can't even stay awake through a movie any more. I am so looking forward to seeing you. I feel like you have been gone a year. I am praying for a save and punctual flight for you. I love you so much! Can't wait! Mom