Thursday, September 25, 2008


This is how I feel about me being sick. I'm not happy about it. It's possible I have allergies...a totally new thing for me. I always thought of myself as very fortunate for not having to deal with allergies every year, but I guess it all changes when you live in a different part of the country. I might just be sick though. Who knows. My voice is mostly gone...exciting for most, but somewhat painful for me. I like to talk. I'm trying to be as silent as possible so maybe it'll work when I actually need it too. I'm sure I'll be better soon. At least I hope this whole congestedness and headachey and lack of voice thing goes away soon. I'll make it.



Jessie said...

If it is allergies, you might benefit from eating local honey (or putting it in tea every day, or something). You can get honey from Noble at WalMart. It's been known to help with allergies, because your body gets used to the pollens of the area through the honey.

MyHuckleberryFriend said...

You cheater. I got my email before I checked your blog with the SAME image. You so don't miss me.