Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ultimate Banana

Over the past four years I have noticed the increasing popularity of Ultimate Frisbee. Many of my friends played in college and I attempted to participate on the Girls' team at Ole Miss, but decided they were way to dedicated to the game than I could ever be. And my lack of athletic ability...mainly running, blocking, catching and throwing, made it not as fun. I was good at showing up on time, that's about it. Through my constant facebook researching (or some might say stalking) I have found Ultimate to be among the top activities for guys and girls. Though I don't know how many actually partake in this feat of athleticism, I will agree that it is a pretty amazing sport and I commend their interest in it. Fun to play and fun to watch.

This weekend, however, OURUF took Ultimate to a new level. Eliminate the disc and substitute bananas. It has become somewhat of a tradition around here. I know what you are thinking, won't the bananas break? And won't that be messy? Can Ultimate be played legitimately with fruit? The answer my friends to all of the questions is a resounding yes! What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than through bananas are your closest friends? Needless to say, Ultimate Banana was a ton of fun. There were also games of Ultimate Squash, Ultimate, Cantalope, Ultimate Tomato, Ultimate Pineapple (slightly more painful to be hit with), and Ultimate Pumpkin (not a good idea, but still fun). I think after the word gets out and the teams form, Ultimate Banana will quickly rise to the competive sport level and eventually land itself as an Olympic sport. It's pretty exciting. I guess that's all I have to say.



christina said...

So, is it like a food fight but Ultimate?

Our RUF if playing glow in the dark frisbee next Wednesday complete with a light-up frisbee and glow bracelets. I'm so excited!

Brittany Smith said...

OURUF stole the idea for UB from Lexie Robinson and Stanford RUF last year. Although I wouldn't say for sure they invented it or anything. I'm so glad yall had a fun, successful UB event! Hooray!