Friday, September 26, 2008


I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty proud of myself right now. I mowed the grass at my house all by myself this morning. And I know that this is not a great feat of excellence, but you should have seen the grass. It was like a jungle out was literally up to my knees, or mid calf. Needless to say it needed to be cut. If I had been coherent when I woke up this morning I would have taken before and after shots, but most of my efforts were focused on getting the lawn mower started. But with a short call to my dad who talked me through it, it started and the grass was cut. So, yay!! I'm such grown up now. Cutting grass, paying bills, giving out advice to unsuspecting people, calling the cops on suspicious teenagers standing in the middle of the road. Where did my youth go? Crazy.

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