Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm no good at blogging

The last blog I wrote was all about how worried I was to move back to Norman and find a job. I have to tell you, it was pretty stressful. It's definitely possible that I made it more stressful on myself. I have good news though, I got a job!!! Praise to God for that! I basically spent half of every day for the first week I was back putting in job applications and talking to managers and driving around trying to find other places to apply. I just wanted something to start out with. I fortunately walked into La Baguette, a local french bakery and cafe, on a day that they were about to start sorting through applications for a new employee. They hired me that Friday and a started the following Monday. Not bad for 5 days worth of looking. I am not completely done searching for a job...I am going to stick with this one for awhile. A job with some money coming in is better than no job at all and no money at all. But I would like to be working somewhere with more of a set schedule. It is difficult to make plans for anything when your schedule for the week is set 12 hours before it starts. But I am thankful. God is good and he has provided!!

I also got a new roommate!! Her name is Natalie and she is awesome! She is the new OURUF intern. I am so excited about the year she has ahead of her and I am even more excited that I get to live with her and be her friend! She arrived on Sunday after 32 hours of driving from Florida. She spent yesterday unpacking and we rearranged the entire living room. I really like it! Sally won't even know her own house when she gets back. I miss Sally, but I am very happy to have someone here. The past three weeks of living by myself have been strange, quiet and at times a little scary (I can pretty much psych myself out over nothing). So, yay for new roommates!! It seems like people are slowly starting to return to Norman. I am looking forward to everyone coming back. So, hurry back please!!


Anonymous said...

I'll have to come visit you at La Baguette! Just one week left until I get back.

Tumbleweed Travelings said...

See you soooooooooonnnnnnm friend!!!!!!!!

schupack said...

ah I miss you too! I can't believe you're rearranging the house without me!

DrLeoMarvin said...

Is the "entryway" finally being used for something other than the mail pile and Michael's somersaults?

keely said...

which la baguette? main or robinson?

J Stu said...

blog post?