Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Same As Usual

So, I have done a very poor job keeping this thing updated on my life. Honestly, there isn't a whole lot to update. I've been living in Huntsville with my parents, working for my dad about 30 hours a week, visiting friends whenever I can, reading books, and searching for jobs back in Norman the best I can from 700 miles away. So far nothing has come of the job search. I have received a few leads on jobs, but they don't seem to materializing into anything. I am heading back to Norman next Friday (July 17th) to hopefully be reunited with one of my favorite roommates and possibly some other friends. After the weekend I will begin my job search in person and make these people want to hire me!!...or at least I hope that's how it will go. If any of you know of anything or anyone that is looking for someone to do work for them, even babysitting or whatever just to keep my going for longer, I would appreciate it.

I've recently started reading a book on prayer, A Praying Life by Donald Miller, which has made me think about prayer a lot more. I don't understand it. I know that I am supposed to be praying, but I have no idea how it works. I am cynical when things happen and I have prayed for them and I am angry when things don't happen and I have prayed for them. This doesn't seem like a good place to be in my prayer life. I feel like them more I read and research prayer, the less I understand about it, but, also the more I know that I need it. I know that God calls us to pray and that he works through prayers, but I don't know why or how. I want to know more and I am hoping to continue reading scripture and books about the reason for prayer, but I am almost certain this is one aspect of the Christian life I will never understand. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Willis said...

I can't wait to see your face! One week.