Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day of Fun

It's so nice to be back into the swing of things now that the semester has started. We had almost a full or week of normality, but this week OU has been closed for the past two and a half days due to ice and snow. I would definitely say there is more ice than snow though. It's white, but very VERY slippery. I think there is something so comforting about being inside and bundled up with a blanket and some tea. I almost feel as if time has stopped over the last couple of days. Groups of people have been getting together and hanging out, playing games, watching movies. Typically, my days are filled with meeting with people at specific times and a variety of activities that require me to show up relatively close when they start. It's freeing to not be constrained by time and have the ability to just go with whatever comes up and stay there as long or as short as I want. Timelessness. It's awesome. I feel like I have experienced that several times this week. I would like my whole life to be like that. I think being on time and setting times for things is an important and necessary thing to do for life. But ideally it would be great to live life as things come up and enjoy the moment you are living for what it is. I think I generally am somewhere else wherever I am. I can't say that the past two and a half days have been altogether impressive with what everyone did or conversations people had, but they have been so fun, unrushed, and low key. It has been great. I'm assuming the ice will be mostly gone by tomorrow and everything will be back to normal. That is exciting too. Woot. It's definitely been several days of fun.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it in one of the later chapters of ASM when CS Lewis writes about timelessness? I think that was one of my favorite passages--that even though we have always been constrained by time, we are constantly seeking to stop time or slow down time or go back in time, which implies we were created for timelessness? Beautiful. I've enjoyed spending timeless days with you :)

Anonymous said...

Punctuality of the thief of time, fool.

MyHuckleberryFriend said...

It has been a month since you last updated this thing. Where am I going to find places to procrastinate if you don't update? Jeez.

Anonymous said...

Errr. Update?